Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Emotional Distress

    Everyone feels down, anxious or stressed, at times. Sometimes it is brought on solely due to physiologial factors. Or may when life events occur, such as the death of someone close to us, the end of a relationship, losing a job, suffering an injury or medical issue, financial troubles and the like, it is normal to feel sad, fearful, lonely or anxious. These feelings tend to lessen with the passage of time.
While it is normal to feel sad, if the sadness persists for two weeks or more you may be suffering from depression.
Some common symptoms are:

    But sometimes these feeling do not improve and begin to interfere with daily life  making the struggle even more difficult. For some, the feelings become so overwhelming that they are unable to do much else but suffer from the effects of these feelings. This causes a great reduction in the quality of life, increases relationship difficulties, can lead to job loss and have other negative life effects.
    Many people who suffer from depression also have some anxiety symptoms and many who suffer anxiety also have some depressive symptoms.
    Some believe their situation is hopeless.
    But there is hope. 
    These feelings are real and they can have serious consequences.
    Fortunately, depression and anxiety can be treated allowing most people to resume a happier and satisfying quality of life.


- Constant sadness 
- Feelings of helplessness,
guilt, worthlessness
- Sleep problems
- Loss of interest in
activities, including sex
- Difficulties concentrating or remembering
- Changes in appetite and weight
- Irritability or restlessness
- Thoughts of self-injury or death
There are different types of anxiety difficulties which include:
General Anxiety Disorder, Panic Attacks and Fears
Some common symptoms of anxiety are:
- Excessive worrying
- Racing heartbeat
- Difficulty concentrating
- Sleep problems
- Irritability

Depression and anxiety are highly treatable.  Depending on the individual, psychotherapy can be used to address both simultaneously.